Beauty Forum


Beauty Forum is the market leading magazine of professional cosmetics.

In our publication we regularly feature updates on the beauty industry including cosmetics, permanent make-up, manicure, nail care and nail design, pedicure, the novelties of dieting, fitness and tanning salons, and the latest trends of spa and wellness.


The Hungarian edition of Beauty Forum is a 84-page monthly publication, stuffed with professional content and featuring a digital spinoff.

Our publication covers the events of the Hungarian beauty industry and the cosmetics industry as a whole. We introduce the latest researches and innovations of dermatology and related medical fields. We aim to support the development of the market by providing our readers with management and marketing tips including advice on leadership issues. We cover international events, markets, competitions.

As the official publication of Beauty Forum Hungary Expo and Beauty and Spa Expo, we cover these events in details.

Our regular sections include caring and decor-cosmetics, Pedicure, Manicure and Nail Care, Marketing, Permanent make-up, Education, Color and Style, and an overview of the market.





Gabriella Marton

editor in chief

Phone:  +36 (1) 457 0067/14 extension
E-mail: gabriella.marton(at)health-and-beauty(dot)hu